Are You Really Ready To Publish That Book?

I recently came under fire by a new, young author who had self-published a book. The premise was rather interesting and when I chose to review his book for my blog, I arranged to receive it, read it and prepared to review it. I found it difficult to read and suggested double spacing. He quickly compared his book to many of the greats who single spaced theirs, including J.K. Rowling. That was the first red flag. Then the fact that he insisted he was right and I was wrong about the spacing over and over, was the second red flag! The fact that he felt his book was done and out on the market as it was as being okay, even after I pointed out a few mistakes, greatly disturbed me and up went the third red flag! I knew I was arguing with one of those authors.

I came across many sentence structure errors, issues with tense and plot, and general story structuring. Instead of writing a review reflecting my disappointment, I contacted this author thinking he’d want to know what I discovered. I was sadly mistaken.

Because he didn’t agree with me, he questioned my ability to review books. I explained I was not trying to attack him but wanted his book to be successful, as I feared with the way it was, it would not be.  He told me all he wanted was a review from a reader’s perspective, not an editor.

I got to thinking that he must think readers are stupid then. How can a reader thoroughly enjoy a book full of errors that break up flow, plot and narrative? They won’t continue reading a book if it’s so poorly put together that the story is choppy, disrupted by grammar and tense issues. I read all the time, I know I’d never finish a book in such shape.

He had self-published, which I must now insist there is nothing wrong with indie authors, but a good one will get their work edited professionally. The stigma that independent authors produce inferior quality work is a very frustrating reality when considering my recent encounter.

I also recall a conversation I recently had with an agent and publisher, who informed me that the worse author to deal with is the one who won’t listen to critiquing, suggestions and feels they know it all. They avoid these authors like a plague. I understand why.

Experienced writers have been down the many roads to getting published; one would think younger authors would appreciate their experience and wisdom. But this is not always the case. People in the publishing profession know what they want and often times, see potential in something if certain changes, corrections or adjustments are done. When an author refuses…, becomes defensive and argues that they are right and the publishers are wrong, this shows a difficult author to work with and one who may remain traditionally unpublished. So is it fair for these now independent authors to ask readers to pay for their unedited books? Of course not, but it does explain the reason why good independent authors struggle to be taken seriously when one bad apple thinks it is okay.

Many times, younger independent authors tell me they don’t understand why they can’t get published. It’s a good question.  Did you edit your work, or have it professionally edited? Did you acquire Beta readers who offered critiquing? Have you checked it over for plot issues, grammar mistakes, especially sentence structure?  How are you when receiving critiquing? Do you argue, become defensive when someone questions something about your book? All authors are protective of their book babies, but fresh eyes may see things they had not.

We all want to reach that moment when our book publishes.  That moment when we are ready to promote and sell our thoughts hangs over our heads as we type that last chapter, but taking your time and developing a good sense of what’s required of you as an author is important.  You owe it to those who are willing to buy your book and read it. Remember, first impressions are the most important ones.

As a record, I have always contacted authors when I find far too many errors to give an honest, favorable review. This contact, in my mind, gives the author a chance to get Beta readers, editors and whatever else felt needed, to fix those issues. Once that has been done and the book is ready, I’ll be ready to give that honest review, but not before.


8 thoughts on “Are You Really Ready To Publish That Book?

  1. I don’t suppose you could give me advice on how to find a good editor. I need a good editor. I need one one believes in my vision, but is willing to point all those errors you were talking about. Also, is there a way to find one who is affordable?


    • Editors can charge anywhere between $3 to $8 per page of a manuscript. Usually, they require up to six months to work on the manuscript. There are different kinds of editors: Copy editors, line editors, proofreaders, etc. You need to determine which kind of editor you need. I suggest you do a bit of research on this before selecting one. Some do all types and charge more. If you go on YouTube and search for editors or editing my manuscript, you may find a few there who also do videos on editing. And most importantly, you need someone you can work closely with and you HAVE to be willing to take criticism, be willing to do what they suggest. If not, then you’ve picked the wrong editor or you’re not ready to hear criticism about your project. I wish you luck.

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  2. I think you are very generous in your approach, many reviewers would just go ahead with a brutally honest review – it is a shame the author was not a little more grateful for not only your advice but also your discretion. I am an author and the first time I received a manuscript back from an editor, I thought I would never write again. It can be horrifying to see all your mistakes laid bare! But I soon learned that they were there to help me and my work, not attack it, and, actually, accepting professional advice would make this a better book. I hope this young author finds a little maturity and grows into the best writer they can be.


    • Yes, Lucy, it’s tough, the editing path. This was not a book ready for the review stage, although he thought it was. If a book is well-written but just not great, I would have reviewed it thus. If I had actually given him a review, I would not have been kind because he is representing those Indie writers who are struggling to become accepted in the publishing world and taken seriously. He owed them a good, well-written and edited novel. I feel sorry for him because he learned nothing. His work will always remain half-completed, and just okay… and THAT is the true shame here. He had a lot of potential.


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